About Cool Pixel Turtles
Cool Pixel Turtle is a non fungible token (NFT) collection that contains 1,111 turtles inside the ethernet blockchain. We are going to be launching our mint within the next few upcoming months
- Each one of the turtles are hand made to perfection
- The pixel turtles will be the first of their kind on the market
- When you buy a Pixel, you’re not simply buying an avatar or a provably-rare piece of art. Your Pixel can serve as your digital identity, and open digital doors for you..
Turtles Created
Turtles Minted
Tokens Earned
Turtles Staked
This Roadmap is the future of the Cool Pixel Turtle project, from making a simple token coin to creating our very own metaverse this is a project not to be missed out on!
Stage 1
Minting date will be announced along with rarity of NFT later on this year.
Stage 2
$SHELL token will be introduced aswell as staking of the NFT.
Stage 3
Merch will be developed and sent off to holders of Cool Pixel Turtle.
Stage 4
Once the mint has been complete 69% profits made will deposited into liquidity of $SHELL token.
Stage 5
10% of all profits will be dontated towards wwf sea turtles. Cool Pixel Turtle metaverse will start to be developed.
Stage 6
Future 3D NFT project that will be connected to the original NFTs and become a part cool pixel turtle metaverse.
This section is the feature opf the Cool Pixel Turtle NFTs, the features of each turtle are all different theres no turtle that is the same all NFTs that are created are infact unique. Our Turtles will have a rarity feature on raritytools.com to see which of the turtles are the rarist to the most common.
All Turtles we have created are wearing glasses / a mask covering their eyes which makes them so cool, a special person that mints a turtle will be airdropped 2 extra Cool Pixel Turtle NFTs.
Holders Gifts
The holders of a Cool Pixel Turtle will receive 11% of all royalties earned along with prizes and merch!
$SHELL token
Once the %SHELL token has been implemented into the blockchain, Turtle holders staking their NFTs will receive a certain amount of $SHELL tokens per day
Holders Vote
Holders will decide on what we will do for the future so they have a say involving the holders into the Cool Pixel Turtle project!

Frequently Asked Questions
What is Cool Pixel Turtle?
Cool pixel turtle is a collection of hand made next generation pixel art non fungible tokens (NFTs) that have plans for the future and beyond including staking and future projects...
What is the price for only one Cool Pixel Turtle?
The price for 1 turtle will be decided closer towards the date the more of a demand there is for turtles the higher the mint price will be. The more profit we earn the more that it will benefit the holders.
When is the minting date?
The minting date has yet to be decided however the date will be announce in the near future!
How do I mint a Cool Pixel Turtle?
You will be able to mint one of our Turtles through our site, to learn more about how you'll be able to mint come and visit our discord!
Does Cool Pixel Turtle have a charitable cause?
Yes! We are donating a portion of funds raised plus a portion of royalties to helping sea turtles and ocean wildlife.
What can i do with my Cool Pixel Turtle?
You can buy, sell, trade and collect Cool Pixel Turtles, in the future you will also be able to use your NFT to stake on our upcoming website and earn a daily passive income of $SHELL tokens!
We would love to hear your thoughts about this project, Cant wait to hear from you!
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United Kingdom
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